At Nord Fluid Technologies, we have been doing research on nanofluids since 2017 as a replacement for water-based cooling and heating systems. Our driving hypothesis was that the heat transfer fluid was the final frontier for improving energy efficiency of central cooling plants.

At Nord Fluid Technologies AS , we have been doing research on nanofluids since 2017 as a replacement for water-based cooling and heating systems. Our driving hypothesis was that the heat transfer fluid was the final frontier for improving energy efficiency of central cooling plants.

The reason was that compressors, chillers (or boilers), heat exchangers, pumps and blowers have already reached their efficiency peaks and any further increase was only marginal. And therefore, radical thinking was required and so we asked this question, what could be more efficient as a heat transfer fluid compared to water.

We now have a solution that can augment the performance of all cooling (and heating) systems, and these could be either chilled water (or hot water) systems using chillers , heat pumps or even just only closed-loop cooling towers.

Our solution is an engineered non-toxic heat transfer fluid made incorporating Graphene , which replaces the water in your cooling and heating system.

We completed the Proof of Concept with our nanofluid in 2018 and obtained an average of 32% savings – and savings here means lower compressor runtime i.e., lower kWh.

Subsequently AQUENE was produced and qualified on a commercial production rig (Scale-Up) and tested in a commercial refrigeration rig and obtained 21% savings. At two other external sites in Malaysia, efficiency improvements of up to 31% on average were achieved. Research and development will be completed in 2023 on a revolutionary system to produce AQUENE on-site with zero downtime on the chiller plant.

The laboratory

First Skid (Functionalization)

Second Skid (Separation)

Final Skid (Nanofluid Preparation)

Get Started with AQUENE

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